

This tutorial shows you how to extract data from an HTML web page using Wextracto.

To work through the tutorial you need to download and install Python.

You also need to install Wextracto. If you can, you should install it into a virtual environment because this makes things easier to manage. The recommended way to install Wextracto is using pip:

$ pip install Wextracto

This will install the wex command:

$ wex --help

You are now ready to begin the tutorial.

Writing A Minimal Extractor

An extractor is a function that takes an HTTP response and returns values extracted from it. Our extractor is going to return the URL of the response. Write or copy the following into a file called tutorial.py:

def extract(response):
    return response.geturl()

The response parameter here is file-like object of the type used by the standard library urllib2.

Now we need to tell the wex command about our new extractor. We do this by creating a file called entry_points.txt with the following contents:

extract = tutorial:extract

Now run wex with the following URL:

$ wex http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/cheddar.html

Congratulations, you have just written an extractor!

Selecting Elements

Python has a great library for processing XML and HTML data called lxml. We can use this library in our extractor.

Let’s use a simple XPath expression to get some text from our chosen web page.

Edit tutorial.py to look like this:

from lxml.html import parse

def extract(response):
    tree = parse(response)
    return tree.xpath('//h1/text()')

Now re-run wex with the same URL we used previously:

$ wex http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/cheddar.html

You may be wondering about the square brackets around the text. That is because wex serializes values using JSON. Our XPath expression returns a Python list which gives us the square brackets in JSON.

You may also have noticed the leading and trailing whitespace. We’ll look at how to get rid of that in the next section.

Extracting Text

We normally want text we extract HTML elements to be space-normalized. This means runs of whitespace are converted into a single space character and leading and trailing whitespace is trimmed.

Wextracto provides the text function to return the space-normalized text for each selected element.

Here is what our extractor now looks like:

from lxml.html import parse
from wex.etree import text

def extract(response):
    tree = parse(response)
    return text(tree.xpath('//h1/text()'))

Let’s run wex with the usual URL again to check the result:

$ wex http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/cheddar.html

That is much tidier.

You may be wondering why we don’t just use the XPath normalize-space function. There actually several reasons why we do not want to do this, most of which are specific to extracting text from HTML as opposed to XML:

The text function:
  • understands <br> tags
  • uses a unicode definition of whitespace (e.g. non breaking spaces)
  • can work with multiple nodes in an node-set

Multiple Values

Often we want to extract multiple values from our web page. This is done by yield-ing values instead return-ing a single value.

So that we know which value is which we also label the values by yielding a name for the value at the same time.

Modify tutorial.py to yield the names and values:

from lxml.html import parse
from wex.etree import text

def extract(response):
    tree = parse(response)
    yield "name", text(tree.xpath('//h1'))
    yield "country", text(tree.xpath('//dd[@id="country"]'))
    yield "region", text(tree.xpath('//dd[@id="region"]'))

Now re-run wex:

$ wex http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/cheddar.html
"name"      "Cheddar"
"country"   "England"
"region"    "Somerset"

Wextracto uses the tab character to separate the label from the value.


Yielding multiple values from an extractor is ok if all the values extract successfully. Unfortunately, if they don’t, we don’t get the remaining values even if they would have extracted successfully.

Let’s extend the extractor we wrote in the previous section and add a new attribute. This time let’s deliberately make a mistake so we can see what happens:

from wex.etree import parse, text

def extract(response):
    tree = parse(response)
    yield "name", text(tree.xpath('//h1/text()'))
    yield "whoops", 1/0
    yield "country", text(tree.xpath('//dd[@id="country"]'))
    yield "region", text(tree.xpath('//dd[@id="region"]'))

Now re-run wex:

$ wex http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/cheddar.html
"name"      "Cheddar"
#ZeroDivisionError('integer division or modulo by zero',)!

The # and ! at the start and end of that final line is Wextracto’s way of telling us that we ended up with a value that was not JSON encodable. In this case because there was a ZeroDivisionError exception.

Notice how we didn’t see more values following the exception.

What we’d really like is for each attribute to be extracted in such a way that an exception while extracting one attribute doesn’t mean the others don’t get extracted.

To make that happen we’ll need each attribute to be extracted in its own function. In the next section we’ll see how Wextracto helps you do that.


Wextracto provides a function specifically for extracting named values and it is called wex.extractor.named(). This lets you create a collection of extractors each of which has a name. The class instance is itself callable it it yields the results of each extractor in the collection together with its name.

Extractors can be added to the collection by decorating them with the collections :method:`.Named.add` method.

Copy the code from here:

from wex.extractor import named
from wex.etree import xpath, text

extract = named()

def name(response):
    return text(xpath('//h1')(response))

def whoops(response):
    return 1/0

def country(response):
    return text(xpath('//dd[@id="country"]')(response))

def region(response):
    return text(xpath('//dd[@id="region"]')(response))

You may notice that we have switched from calling .xpath() on the element tree to using the wex.etree.xpath function. The function produce by calling this function knows when to parse the response so we don’t need to organize that.

Let’s try running our extractor now and see what we get:

$ wex http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/cheddar.html
"country"   "England"
"whoops"    #ZeroDivisionError('integer division or modulo by zero',)!
"region"    "Somerset"
"name"      "Cheddar"

Now we’ve got something for all the named values we wanted and in addition it tells which extractor isn’t working.

Composing Extractors

If you need to write a lot of extractors then you may find that the using the decorator syntax for wex.extractor.Named leads to a lot of boilerplate code. Fortunately there is an alternative.

If you look at the examples in the previous section, you will see that the extractors (apart from whoops) all look something like:

def xyz(response):
    return text(xpath(...)(response))

It turns out this kind of pattern is very common in writing extractors. A technique called function composition lets us define these extractor functions very succinctly.

In Wextracto function composition is performed with the | operator (like Unix pipes).

So we can define the extractor above as:

xyz = xpath(...) | text

We can pass these composed functions directly into the constructor for wex.extractor.Named and get something that looks like:

from wex.extractor import named
from wex.etree import xpath, text

extract = named(name = xpath('//h1') | text,
                country = xpath('//dd[@id="country"]') | text,
                region = xpath('//dd[@id="region"]') | text)

As you can see, this is a very compact representation for simple extractors.


So far we’ve only been extracting data from one web page, but eventually we’d like to move on to extracting from multiple pages. Let’s see what happens:

$ wex http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/cheddar.html http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/brie.html
"country"   "tEngland"
"region"    "Somerset"
"name"      "Cheddar"
"country"   "France"
"region"    "Seine-et-Marne"
"name"      "Brie"

Oh dear. It isn’t very clear which value came from which web page.

We can fix this by using the wex.extractor.label() function:

from wex.extractor import label, named
from wex.url import url
from wex.etree import xpath, text

attrs = named(name = xpath('//h1') | text,
              country = xpath('//dd[@id="country"]') | text,
              region = xpath('//dd[@id="region"]') | text)

extract = label(url)(attrs)

The code here is going to label the output with the URL of the current response.

Let’s try it:

$ wex http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/cheddar.html http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/brie.html
"http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/cheddar.html" "country"       "England"
"http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/cheddar.html" "region"        "Somerset"
"http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/cheddar.html" "name"  "Cheddar"
"http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/brie.html"    "country"       "France"
"http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/brie.html"    "region"        "Seine-et-Marne"
"http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/brie.html"    "name"  "Brie"

As before, the labels are tab delimited.

Multiple Entities

In the Labelling section we saw how we can label values with the URL from which they came, but sometimes you get multiple entities on the same web page and they each have their own set of attributes.

Let’s try our extractor on that kind of page:

$ wex http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/gloucester.html
"http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/gloucester.html"  "country"       #MultipleValuesError()!
"http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/gloucester.html"  "region"        #MultipleValuesError()!
"http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/gloucester.html"  "name"  #MultipleValuesError()!

Oh dear. What can we do? Well if we visit that web page in a browser and view the source we find that each <h1> helpfully has a International Cheese Identification Number (ICIN) as an attribute.

So what we can do is re-write the extractor to visit each <h1> and extract the data we want relative to that element.

Here is what the code looks like:

from wex.extractor import named, labelled
from wex.iterable import one
from wex.etree import xpath, text

cheeses = xpath('//h1[@data-icin]')
icin_attr = xpath('@data-icin') | one

attrs = named(name = text,
              country = xpath('following::dd[@id="country"][1]') | text,
              region = xpath('following::dd[@id="region"][1]') | text)

extract_cheese = labelled(icin_attr, attrs)

def extract(response):
    for cheese in cheeses(response):
        for item in extract_cheese(cheese):
            yield item

And then we run wex:

$ wex http://gilessbrown.github.io/cheeses/gloucester.html
"SNGGLCD7DDFD41"    "country"       "England"
"SNGGLCD7DDFD41"    "region"        "Gloucestershire"
"SNGGLCD7DDFD41"    "name"  "Single Gloucester"
"DBLGLCCECAA22C"    "country"       "England"
"DBLGLCCECAA22C"    "region"        "Gloucestershire"
"DBLGLCCECAA22C"    "name"  "Double Gloucester"

What Next?